I know I'm copying vogue.com by posting this, but holy moly!
I'm a strong believer in utilitarian fashion, but I would buckle every one of those straps with joy.
i only want tobe there to kiss youas you want to be kissedwhen you need to be kissedwhere i want to kiss youcause its my house and i plan to live in iti really need to hug youwhen i want to hug youas you like to hug medoes this sound like a silly poemi mean its my houseand i want to fry pork chopsand bake sweet potatoesand call them yamscause i run the kitchenand i can stand the heati spent all winter incarpet stores gatheringpatches so i could makea quiltdoes this really soundlike a silly poemi mean i want to keep youwarmand my windows might be dirtybut its my houseand if i can't see out sometimesthey can't see in eitherenglish isn't a good languageto express emotion throughmostly i imagine because peopletry to speak english insteadof trying to speak through iti don't know maybe it isa silly poemi'm saying it's my houseand i'll make fudge and callit love and touch my lipsto the chocolate warmthand smile at old men and callit revolution cause what's realis really realand i still like men in tightpants cause everybody has something to give and moreimportant need something to takeand this is my house and you make mehappyso this is your poemPhotos from Le Love Image