Saturday, September 3, 2011

Bill Cunningham New York

Just saw this amazing film. Bill Cunningham is an amazing man!

He envisions his role as a street photographer more as the role of an archivist or a historian than as a fashion critic or a street photographer like Scott Schuman (of The Sartorialist), who is an admittedly subjective and opinionated fashion photographer.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Nicholas Kirkwood

I know I'm copying by posting this, but holy moly!
I'm a strong believer in utilitarian fashion, but I would buckle every one of those straps with joy.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Wow! Tonight kicked off an exciting season for fashion, and began with the Fashion's Night Out Show (by Vogue) at Lincoln Center. The show was the largest fashion event in New York City's history, and was open to the public (for a small price, bien sur).

It seems as though the fashion industry is working to maintain relevance in an increasingly desperate economic time, and in some ways it succeeded. In some ways it did not; it seems as though the focus of Fall Fashion is tending towards unabashed decadence, which seems off-key in such an economic time.
Here's what I mean. So much fabric, so much (amazing) tulle. These are certainly not DIY looks. Later in the show we saw fur, another fall trend that seems tone-deaf in a time that is not only economically, but ecologically sensitive.

In a way though, it lives up to fantasies of wealth and luxury that would be performed more rigorously and religiously in times of extreme status anxiety. There was an element of costume in the show (notice the fur), and some of the pieces even alluded to 1920s/1930s fashion (a product of the Met show?), a fashion born of another depressed era.
Notice the fur here:
The wigs are right out of the Met show. The dresses are updated in the fabric and the asymmetry, but they are clearly alluding to another time, similar in many ways to our own. 

Anyway, enough of that! Here are some pretty clothes:
I know I criticized these pieces for being too decadent, but they really are beautiful.
More to come! Happy Fashion Week!

Saturday, August 28, 2010


Nikki Giovanni is one of my favorite poets, and has been among my favorites since I was young. Her poetry is so accessible and fun. One of my favorites is "My House;" enjoy.

i only want to 
be there to kiss you
as you want to be kissed
when you need to be kissed
where i want to kiss you
cause its my house and i plan to live in it
i really need to hug you
when i want to hug you
as you like to hug me
does this sound like a silly poem
i mean its my house
and i want to fry pork chops
and bake sweet potatoes
and call them yams
cause i run the kitchen
and i can stand the heat
i spent all winter in
carpet stores gathering
patches so i could make
a quilt
does this really sound
like a silly poem
i mean i want to keep you
and my windows might be dirty
but its my house
and if i can't see out sometimes
they can't see in either
english isn't a good language
to express emotion through
mostly i imagine because people
try to speak english instead
of trying to speak through it
i don't know maybe it is
a silly poem
i'm saying it's my house
and i'll make fudge and call
it love and touch my lips
to the chocolate warmth
and smile at old men and call
it revolution cause what's real
is really real
and i still like men in tight
pants cause everybody has some
thing to give and more
important need something to take
and this is my house and you make me
so this is your poem
Photos from Le Love Image

Friday, August 27, 2010


Here are some images of buildings by architect Henry Van Brunt. His architecture is just beautiful, I loved looking at it in Boston this summer.
Coming home to Lawrence, I was so happy to remember that our very own Spooner Hall is a Van Brunt building.

Friday, August 6, 2010

"... and I think that is kind."

Anyone else hear this on morning edition this morning:

   Driving to work this morning, I found myself tearing up at the sweetness of this well-spoken girl.  I--a 22 year old woman--cannot express myself as well as 8 1/2 year old "Popcorn."  She has clearly been raised to be a very verbal, aware, and polite little person.  My favorite moment is when she says, "... and I think that is kind."
   Kids can be so bratty--manipulative, greedy, rude--and it's not their fault; they're being introduced to the entire world and experiencing an overload of sensory stimuli.  Nor it is the parent's.  This girl, however, from what little we glean about her in this three minute clip, speaks with the honesty of a child and the fluency of someone twice, nay, three times her age.  And that element is what makes this story so wholly touching, I believe.

Friday, July 30, 2010


Today I stumbled upon the website of international photographer Jasper James. Primarily based in Beijing and London, James takes breathtaking portraits of people and the cities they are enveloped by. Here are a few: